Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bieber Fever Indeed

Review by Punitha Yogaratnam

Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever: My Story

by Justin Bieber (RM74.90)

ISBN: 9780062039743

YouTube and pop sensation Justin Bieber declares on the cover of his first book, "Lots of exclusive photos just for you. Love Justin xxx."

That kinda describes the entire book. It's filled with pictures from his personal album, behind the scene concert pictures and candid photos of the kid goofing off as well as publicity shots that will make any fan swoon.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I am a fan of this 16-year-old singer who has turned many of young hearts into Jello by the mere mention of his name. Afterall, if I were a teen I too would be screaming at this cutie-pie with the voice that has sold millions of albums.

The story of Mr. Bieber reads like a fantasy. In just a short three years he was shot to stardom when his mother posted a few YouTube videos of him performing at a local talent show. A talent manager saw the potential and approached Justin and his mum. The rest, as they say, was history. Before you know it both Justin Timberlake and Usher were "competing" to sign on the singing sensation. Justin went with Usher and just after his 15th birthday, his first single, One Time, dropped and that started the ball rolling.

A year later, Justin is waiting to hop on a tour bus ready to take on 85 cities and over two million fans in the US and his home country, Canada. He describes it best, "It was unreal".

Most of every text page in this 230-plus page book is accompanied either a quote by the boy-wonder or a full-page photo. Although my first reaction to the book was that it is strictly for fans, I stand corrected because this is something that can be read by anyone interested to find out how this kid from London, Ontario made it to the top of the entertainment world by raw talent sprinkled with a touch of luck and helped along by the incredible invention known as YouTube.

As you read his story, you get a sense that this kid, although introduced to fame and fortune in a blink of an eye, is well-grounded with a strong support system backing him all the way. In an early chapter he acknowledges this support system, "I'm surrounded by super-smart, super-talented extremely good people who love me and watch out for me every step of the way. They don't let me lose sight of where I came from or where I'm going." Part of you hopes that Justin will remain on the straight and narrow and not fall by the wayside like many of his predecessors.

The book ends with the beginning, Justin's first headlining tour, in support of his album, My World 2.0. With his mum following him as the walks to the stage, his No. 2 supporter, Usher, whispers in his ear as 20 thousand fans scream his name: "First step to forever, man."

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